Alex Thier

Alex Thier

Alex Thier

  • CDDRL Postdoctoral Fellow, 2004-05
  • Visiting Fellow and Campbell National Fellow, Hoover Institution 2004-05


Alex Thier is Senior Advisor at Moby Media. He served as CEO of the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery; Co- Director of the Task Force on US Strategy to Support Democracy and Counter Authoritarianism; and Senior Democracy Fellow at Freedom House. He was the ninth Executive Director of the Overseas Development Institute in London, a leading global think tank on sustainable development, conflict, climate, and governance. He was appointed by President Obama to serve as chief of USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning from 2013 to 2015, and as chief of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs from 2010 to 2013. He worked previously at the US Institute of Peace, the United Nations, and Oxfam. He was a CDDRL and Hoover Fellow in 2004-2005, and is a graduate of Stanford Law School.


Conference Memos
January 2023

Anything, Anywhere, All at Once: The Case for a (Multi-Dimensional) National Democracy Strategy

Anything, Anywhere, All at Once: The Case for a (Multi-Dimensional) National Democracy Strategy
Working Papers
September 2004

Reestablishing the Judicial System in Afghanistan

Reestablishing the Judicial System in Afghanistan

In The News

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J Alexander Thier in New York Times editorial

J Alexander Thier in New York Times editorial

Afghanistan at Halftime

Afghanistan at Halftime

Writing Iraq's Constitution a Chance to Change History

Writing Iraq's Constitution a Chance to Change History